As of December 31, 2019, the California Legacy specialty license plate is now on 820,426 California registered vehicles and raised $26,886,737.00 in 2019. This is up from 669,083 in December, 2018. The Kids plate is the closest by volume, which is now at 104,969, down from 107,721 in 2018 and raised over $3 million in 2019. The Whale Tail specialty license plate is now at 76,765, down from 79,934 in 2018, and raised $5,086,534 in 2019. The Arts specialty license plate is now at 48,270 (down from 50,485 in 2018) and raised $3,182,981.00 in 2019. There are 13 California specialty license plates. 92,000 Iowa Blackout plates have been issued since they were introduced on July 1st of 2019. That's triple the number of University of Iowa plates, which was previously the most popular specialty plate. Paul Cornelius with the Iowa Department of Transportation says the agency had no idea the blackout plates would be so wildly popular. "The way that this has grown so fast and been so successful, ya, it's been kind of eye opening and shocking," said Cornelius. By comparison, there are just over 30,000 University of Iowa specialty plates currently in use. Those plates have been in existence since 1989. There are roughly 19,400 Iowa State University plates in use, which is the third most popular in the state. The blackout plates are also among the most expensive specialty plates in Iowa. They cost $30.00, and spike to $60.00 if they're personalized. Iowa and Iowa State plates sell for $25.00 and jump to $50.00 if personalized. Revenue generated from specialized license plates flows into the "road use tax fund", which is used for repairs and infrastructure upgrades. Cornelius says money from the blackout plates, which generated roughly $4 million in their first six months, will help at a time of need for the fund. "You know how bad the flooding has been this year," Cornelius said. "There's just a lot of repairs that have to have been done from a lot of that stuff. This fund, it's kind of like that's a big pot that it goes to." Still, 94% of all license plates issued in the state are the standard county plates. $932 million is generated from vehicle registration fees, of which license plates are a small portion. In six months, the 'Blackout' plate has already raised nearly twice as much as the 2019 top selling plate in Florida, where there are nearly double the amount of registered vehicles.
January 2025